Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Unhandy Andy

I'm not able to fix anything - in fact I've renamed myself "unhandy andy" when it comes to anything that needs fixed.

For example, my car has been making this noise (pretty descriptive huh) so I took it to a mechanic I've grown to trust.

He popped the hood and quickly diagnosed the problem and with a tweak and a twist my 4Runner wasn't making the noise. Cool.
I'm glad I went.

Isn't that like us? Maybe our life isn't running the way it should and we decide we need to take it to God. You know you can trust Him! And the amazing thing about placing your life in God's hands in that he can always diagnose the problem and with a few tweaks and twists have you back on the right road going the right direction.

This past week we had several first time guests at C1 and after church I was talking to one of them and they said, "I'm glad I went to church today."

Bringing your life to God so he can fix your flaws isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of wisdom.

I could have just let my car continue making that noise and in a few months be really paying for it.

How about you? Are you showing weakness or wisdom?

The wise meet at C1 this Sunday at 10:30 AM

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