Thursday, January 10, 2008

Look at YOU!

Tuesday night at U-Turn we ended by having our students write down, in a word or two, what would define them in 2008. How we did this was really cool: I set up 8 mirrors in our room and had students walk up to the mirror, look at themselves and then write down that word. It was powerful.
Every morning when they look in the mirror I pray that word fuel their day.
Here are a few examples of the word (or two) that our students wrote down:
strength, purity, discipline, example, boldness, peace, trust, energy, evangelism, prayer, hope, love, forgive...
What word would define your 2008?
Today's walk away: God has big plans for you! Too often though we allow the fear of failure or the fear of trusting God to derail God's plan. Take a chance in 2008 - write down a word on your mirror at home that your pray will define your year. ***Note: use a dry erase one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the ***note of warning. I had my sharpie ready and was ready to run through the house.