Sunday, January 20, 2008


This is for my best friend, Matt Oaks.


Matt and I have been on quite a journey the past several months since our resignations in Conneaut. I landed in Dayton, OH and now...drumroll Matt has landed in Hubbard, OH as a Youth Pastor. I am so excited for Matt & Liz.

He said something to me that just made my week. He said that they would continue to plan on visiting Beth and I often. That means so much to me b/c Matt & Liz are like family to us. In fact, our kids call them Aunt Liz & Uncle Matt.

Friends are so important and Great Friends are like icing on a cake. I value Matt's friendship & leadership so much and look forward to continuing our ministry journey together. Even though we are now in different churches now, choosing to remain close is just that - a choice.

How about you? What are some choices that need to be made in your life that will pay huge dividends?

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