Sunday, May 11, 2008


Beth went to wake Emma (our five year) up and she responded by saying, "Just five more minutes." I guess she wasn't ready to wake up.

A lot of us are like that...we rarely like to wake up. There are so many factors to our 'just five more mintues.' It's raining, I went to bed late, it's been a long week, it's Sunday. So we snooze!

I think it's easy to snooze. It's almost effortless.

The painful admission is that a lot of times I can find myself 'snoozing in life.' Missing out on opportunties that God is providing all b/c I want to just snooze.

There's a saying, "You snooze - you lose."

I don't want to lose anything. Time with my wife. Memories with my kids. Experiences with God. They are all so valuable.

Today's Walk-Away: Ephesians 5:14 says, Wake Up... I want to live my life ready to experience all that God has and not snooze my way to losing what He has.

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