Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just a thought about...

So I was eaves dropping (I hope that's spelled right) on someone's conversation yesterday...everyone's does it...and this person said, "Give me a number I can reach you at." As I thought about that statement I thought - that's so ridiculous. I mean unless this person got a lot of bogus numbers from girls in High School, what other kind of number is there. Can you imagine responding to him, "Hey, here's a number you CAN'T reach me at." I wanted to jump into the conversation and comment but I refrained myself.

Today's Walkaway: So often what you say reflects your thought process. You've heard it said, "Think before you speak." This saves me from looking dumb and God knows I need that as often as possible.

Today's Feedback: Send me some dumb statements...

Here's mine - (let me set the context) - it's Sunday Morning and the P&W leader says, "Everyone stand to your feet." Think about it...


Unknown said...

one of my all time favorites is "can I ask you a question". You stinkin' moron, you just did.

I sometimes respond with "you mean another one". They look all confused and I just walk away.

Dave Kidd said...

Try closing a message with "If your here tonight and..."Duh, yeah their there.