Thursday, April 3, 2008

plan A

This week I learned a great lesson. I had a meeting with my pastor and he asked me about a presentation I was giving. Our church is raising money to help bring much needed relief to the country of Swaziland. Swaziland's AIDS crisis is now making national news. 1 in 10 will live to the age of 35. Over 40% of the country of Swaziland has AIDS. So we are making an effort to help.

I shared with him my thoughts, my big idea and how I was going to pitch my idea to raise money. Then I leaned back in my chair and waited for him to say, "good job!" He responded with - "What's your plan B?"

To which I responded, "I don't need a Plan B - plan A is soooo good that it's all I need."

We talked about that for a few minutes and Pastor Stan helped me realize that yes plan needs to be a good one but in case it misses the mark...have a backup plan.

Well, Tuesday night I made the presentation and Plan A went over great BUT I am currently working on a Plan B.

You see, even though the response for Plan A was incredible (I told you it was a great plan) I am working to a Plan B just in case the response to the incredible Plan A isn't.

My Point: Being prepared is so important. I never want to be caught looking like I wasn't ready for something to happen when if I would have just thought through the situation I would have. That's called process. I'm learning that the more process (thinking, evaluating, Plan B's) I do the more success I'll have.

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