Monday, April 21, 2008

Sleeping Dogs

Ever once in a while something happens and you wonder why in the world you did "that" or said "it." You wish you could take "that" or "it" back but you can't. So you're left with a choice.

How do you make "it" better? Because let's be honest we've all done or said something that we know we should not have but the real test of wisdom is what do you do AFTER the sleeping dog is awake.

And how do you make "it" better in the long run?

I think the most important thing I've discovered is to learn how to pray about your next step.

From Moses to Nehemiah to Paul we see how when a circumstance has the potential to get ugly prayer is crucial.

When we pray, we get God's perspective on the situation and more importantly His desired outcome. ABW verse: We SHUT UP and let God work.

When we just react, we get our perspective on the situation and try to get our desired outcome, which is usually trying to prove how right I am and how wrong you are! ABW verse: We ignore God and make a the mess even worse.

So this week if you happen to do "that" or say "it" remember God can make "it" better or you can make it worse.


Dave Kidd said...

Hey man, Is the ABW translation available for PC Study Bible?

;) Great Post - Very True

Andy Warren said...

thanks - i'm working on the translations...having a tough time translating a few books of the bible!