Monday, March 3, 2008

Same State

Yesterday my wife texted me this picture from Conneaut, OH.

My kids and some friends built a snowman! Remember those days? Now the reason I'm highlighting my kids winter fun is b/c while they were building this snowman I was driving home from church in Dayton, OH (300 miles away) and it was 62 degrees!
Am I in the same state? Wow! Talk about an extreme change in environment.
That got me thinking about my job and how some people in the church are loving it and spiritually growing and others are well - not!
How does this happen? How can the same church have such wide gaps?

I don't have the answer!
My point though: the extreme change in weather environment is kind of cool and harmless and whether you're building a snowman or wearing a short-sleeve shirt is meaningless. BUT when it comes to church, choosing to avoid growing cold is just that - a choice!