Thursday, February 14, 2008

wow - the middle finger

some people sigh really loud
some people swear under their breath
some people roll their eyes
and some people - throw up their middle finger
i'm not sure why this seems to help but i guess it does...
last night, i was driving home from buying my kids a valentine's gift. i'm in a great mood, feeling like a great dad, there's a cool song on the radio and traffic is heavy. so i ease into traffic like an old man into a bathtub. i put my blinker on, i wave to the car beside me like 'can i please cut in line' when all the sudden, the car behind the car i'm waving at...honks their horn and throws up the middle finger. wow - the middle finger...are you kidding me...are we in 8th grade or what?
i didn't know what to do...again, i'm in a great mood (good dad feeling, cool song playing) so i just look the other way and say outloud 'wow, the middle finger.'
my point: i can't control what other people do. too often we allow other people's sighing, swearing, and rolling of eyes to affect our great day when all we need to remember is no controls your attitude without your permission.
so go have a great day!


Unknown said...

I would've given him a "pressed ham"...

Tim said...

But didn't that middle finger cause you emotional pain? Because come on isn't that what is supposed to do? I give you props... you are a better man that I...I probably would have retaliated in some probably not so Christian of a way... depending on my mood!

Dave Kidd said...

gasp!!! ;)

Dave Kidd said...

Oh yeah..
Your post reminded me of how many people will say "So and So made me angry" No one can "make" us angry, we choose to be or not to be.

Be blessed!