Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I want to gain weight.
I want to get healthier.
I want to grow spiritually.
All things I've said and you probably have too - except you probably wanted to lose weight...
But these are all statements that can only LEAD TO FAILURE!
Why? Because they are not measurable.
I'm taking some time this week to evaluate where CLC's High School Ministry is heading in the next year.
Evaluation is tough but necessary. It's tough b/c you have to measure where you are and honestly evaluate what's working and what's not.
Too often we don't like to be HONEST with ourselves and that can only hurt our health.
So how are you doing? Evaluate some things and be honest.
My point: If you want to grow ADD clarity to your process. For example, this year, I'd like to gain 10 lbs. of MUSCLE, eat healthier by adding some more fruits & veggies and less sweets, and I'd like to grow spiritually by reading 12 great books and reading the bible daily.


Dave Kidd said...


I think that is something that we need to do in every aspect of our lives. Personal,physical relational, spritual and in ministry.

But, in order to evaluate there must be a standard to provide the backdrop against which we can evaluate our progress.

You want to gain ten pounds of muscle mass and I want to lose 20 pounds of, well, non-muscle mass.

I know my goal, I can evaluate my physical progress. Evaluating the mental processes that lead the physical aspect can be tricky...

Great Post - Wise words

Andy Warren said...

thanks dave! been meaning to connect with your posts often...have a great week and look forward to getting to know you better!
