Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I had a little pep in my voice...

The other day someone asked me if I've sold my house yet? We are selling our home and it's been quite a LONG process...
Well back to the question: "have you sold your house yet," I answered, "Nope, not yet but I'm one day closer today than I was yesterday." I had a little pep in my voice - trying not be discouraged BUT their response confused me.
They said, "Well you just need to pray harder!"
The reason I'm confused is I'm not sure how to pray harder. Someone told me last week to just have more faith and it will happen...
I really think it's not about praying harder or having more faith it's about simply trusting that God has my best interest in mind and would never let me go through something without a purpose.
My point: I'm not sure how to pray any harder or how to have any more faith but I do know how to just throw up my hands and say "God I trust you!"
How about you? Got any areas that you need to just throw your hands up and say, "God I trust you!"


Anonymous said...

Right on AWAR! I think I was in that conversation during our prayer circle!

Andy Warren said...

lol - no it wasn't that one...or maybe it was and i was ignoring it...

Unknown said...

people who use spiritual cliches like that should be killed.

I would respond with "if you had more faith my fist wouldn't have connected with your nose"... Guess you should pray harder (as I help them off the floor)