Monday, February 18, 2008


There's my little guy...he's got his new Carson Palmer jersey on. Gabriel is 7 and it's like a switch has been turned on when it comes to football. It's football all the time in his mind.

His favorite player - Carson Palmer of the Cincinnati Bengals. Gabriel really admires Carson Palmer b/c he's a great football player BUT (thanks Gary Fowler) Palmer isn't my son's hero.

I think we can easily make actors & athletes into heros when in reality we know very little about them.

What is a HERO? My definition - someone who knows the right thing to do in a given circumstance and always does it. Sounds too simple huh?

A lot of know what the right thing is...a lot of of us sometimes know what the right thing is...and a lot of sometimes even do the right thing...however...are you a person who knows the right thing to do in a given circumstance and always does it?

My prayer is that my son will see his dad model that behavior and become his HERO.

The ultimate HERO - Jesus Christ modeled that for me and we are to follow that example.

So are you a HERO?

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