Monday, May 14, 2007

What I learned in Chicago - Part II

During the Cubs game (did I mention I got to go see a Cubs game yet...) I noticed a sign of top of the dugout. It said, "Welcome to the friendly confines of Wrigley Field.' Can you feel the love?

I thought about that message a lot the last few days as it relates to C1. What if we hung a sign on Rt. 20 that said, "Welcome to the friendly confines of C1 Church.' It would send the message that our church is inviting, friendly, and a safe place to be.

My goal as the lead guy at C1 is to create an enviroment where people can come and check church out and explore their curiousity in a way that is inviting, friendly and safe. Too often we expect people to buy into our belief system before they trust. My heart is that people will visit C1 as guests and want to return to the 'friendly confines of C1' b/c we provided an enviroment where they felt welcomed, were treated friendly, and felt safe.

As we do that who know maybe one day we'll have thousands of fans too!

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