Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night the C1 Softball team won their first game of the year! Great start. We won 6-2 and after the game I was presented with the game ball. My goal was just to not suck...

It's fun to be a part of a team however it's even better to be part of a winning team.

I think of C1 as a team and I think it's fun to be a part of this team. However it's even better to be a part of a winning team.

What does it take for a church to win? I think it takes everyone playing together in their clearly defined role. The pitcher can't throw the ball and then try to run into the outfield and catch the ball too. The same concept works for the church. We need each other.

What area has called God you to serve in? And if you're serving in that area would you get a gameball for your performance?

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