Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm not a fisherman! I pretend to be one for ONE weekend a year. It's not that I'm a girly guy who won't touch fish or can't bait a hook. It's just I don't normally find the time or really have the desire to do it. Now when I do go fishing I really enjoy it. It's relaxing and frustrating at the same time.

Well last weekend was my ONE weekend a year. I caught a fish BUT what I really wanted to brag on today was my son's fish.

Check this out:

That is Gabriel's almost 20 inch large mouth bass. He was so proud it. He invested his time (fishing), didn't get frustrated, and fished in the right location and it paid off.

Sounds like really good LIFE advice.

Our investments and our attitudes have a lot to do with what we catch in life.

My walkaway: What you sow you eventually reap. I had a converstation with someone who is doing something the right way it's paying off for him. He's had some difficult seasons in life but I'm excited about where God is leading him. It's neat to see what happens when you invest and have the right attitude along the way.

1 comment:

Dave Kidd said...

Tell Gabriel, I said that's an awesome Bass!