Tuesday, July 3, 2007

anyone can...

The Warren5 recently went to the movies to see the new movie 'ratatouille.' What a great movie! The big point of the movie: Anyone can cook. Now once you get past the fact that it's a rat adding the spices, stirring the pot and doing the actual cooking it was pretty good.

Anyone can cook.
Anyone can serve.
Anyone can give.
Anyone can love.
Anyone can forgive.
Anyone can invite.

As a pastor I often hear reasons why it can't be done but I honesty believe that we were created to get things done for God.

My church was recently broken into and I've got to admit, the brains behind the operation were pretty good. These guys knew what they were doing. Someone shared with me last week that if these guys would use their minds for good and not for evil they would be an asset to our community.

I often think the same thing - if every follower of Christ would just ask God (or others) for help in accomplishing His purpose we would see a world wanting to follow the church.

Too often we go negative, I can't, so quick that we convince ourselves we're unable to do whatever it is that God wants us to do.

I've made the month of July NO NEGATIVITY month. We're going to take ONE MONTH and choose to not go negative (more on that in tomorrow's blog).

But for today...what's one thing that you've told yourself you can't but really 'anyone can...(fill in your own blank) because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)

ONE MORE THING: We now have a pretty sweet security system installed at C1!

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