Monday, April 23, 2007


I love vision! Whether it's a football coach who dreams of leading his team to victory or a restaurant manager who wants every customer to have a great dining experience - vision attracts.

This week I'm pretty excited as I'm traveling to C3 church in Pickerington, OH. C3 is led by my friend, Konan Stephens. Check this out: they planted this church about 8 months ago and they are already over 200 people doing two services! Isn't that amazing.

My prayer is that I will see what they are doing well and pray how C1 can use those principles in our community.

I believe God is not a respector of persons or places.

To often I hear if I had more money, or went to this school or if our church was this big, things would be better.

Here's what I think: if the vision is worth following people will.

So let me ask you C1'ers...what is your vision for our community, for our church, for your life? And ask yourself - will people follow this?

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