Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So my tooth has been hurting for a few weeks. So like every guy I grin and bear it. This weekend though the tipping point of pain was reached. I called my dentist and not only do I have a cavity but it's so bad I had to have a root canal.

So here's what happens during a root canal - the dentist to drills into the pulp chamber, and removes the infected pulp area (the nerve) by scraping it out of the root canals. Once that is done, the dentist fills the cavity with an inert material and seals up the opening.

If I would have gone in one month earlier, when my tooth first starting hurting it would have been a routine in and out cavity filled (please read here: a lot less PAIN)

So I was thinking, why is it so often in life we avoid taking care of what needs fixed?

Whether it's a broken relationship, a household repair or a hurting tooth we often allow what needs fixed to get forgotten.

What's happens though is that the pain gets so great that extreme measures are needed to rectify the problem.

How about your life? Is there an area of pain that needs restored. I believe with God all things are possible and He will help meet that need and heal that area.

Remember is better than tomorrow...

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