Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Snow Storm...

Easter Sunday at C1 was great. I got to church at 6:00 AM to meet my shoveling team. Yes I said my shoveling team. A big thanks to the team who helped shovel the grass and church grounds. We shoveled for an hour and half to clear the snow for our 5,000 Easter Egg Hunt. Despite the snow we had a great turnout for our 1st Egg Hunt.

I'm sure the weather had some influence on our attendance but the box score for Sunday morning at C1 - 252 people. We had quite a few 1st time guests and the energy in the church was great.

I'm excited about what God is doing and believe that we are experiencing God's favor.

I pray each day for God's favor in my life. Whether it's God's favor on my friendships or my financial decision I want to include God.

How about you? What's an area that you need to include God in? Give it a try and see what a difference God's favor makes.

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