Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Relationship Building

Sunday Night our High Schoolers met at a local park for a picnic! We had so much fun. Students were playing Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Volleyball, & Cornhole.

The best part of the night was the last hour were a lot of just sat around telling stories and or jokes and chillin. That was were the relationship building took place. It's awesome to see that dynamic happen when it's unplanned. The best moments in life are that way I think.

By the way, a cool dad moment happened too! When I was playing football, my son Gabe was watching and I caught a sweet pass for TD. It's always fun to play and it's cool to win but it's an indescribable feeling to see your son smile at you like you're the best dad in the world.
And our football team won the game and afterwards I jogged two miles home. Just bragging!

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