Monday, June 9, 2008


This was a great week for our High School mininstry at CLC.
Tuesday we kicked off our Summer with a concert and cookout. Had our highest attendance of the year. It was an amazing night of building relationships and having a blast. Then we took a group of 15 to the Children's Medical Center to hand out Teddy Bears. And finally capped it off Saturday by taking a bus full of students to Cedar Point.

The highlight of the day was definately riding the Top Thrill Dragster. All that needs to be said is: 120 MPH in 3 seconds - 410 feet up then 410 feet down - all in 17 seconds.

It was quite an adrenline rush! I'm not sure what it is about adrenaline rushes but I love them.
Life is full of adrenaline rush opportunities but as fun as it is to get your blood going and experience that excitement that's NOT going to sustain you day-to-day.
The disciplines I form are what create health and sustainability.
I love thrills but I know they are always short lived.
Today's walk-away: Life's thrills can easily become a moving target. What thrills you today bores you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

that's way too cool.

Trevor Lowe said...

Hey there stranger this is some kid named Trevor or TLo as I was called at one time! I think I Met you somewhere!!! Ha you doing P.A.? you should give me a call sometime or email me..I would love to hear from you!

Phone: (330)442-5306\

Look forward to talking to ya man