Monday, May 2, 2011


To say I'm excited about this week would be an understatement! Last year at this time I had just quit my full time job at a local college and was trusting God that He would supply the Warren's needs as I became Victory's full time pastor. Now one year later, Victory Church is growing and we're seeing new faces and families each week.
I believe that sometimes God blesses our lives and we become the beneficiary by just being. But then, more often than not, God will ask us to take a step of faith and trust Him with our lives. To be honest, often we wish, God would just take care of all our needs with no activity on our part.
The problem with that kind of faith is it's circumstantial. As long as God does what you think He's supposed to...everything is OK.

Taking a step of faith and trusting that God would supply my families needs took just what I typed - FAITH.

Faith is not a mystical force or a good luck charm. It's simply believing that God is who He says He is and will do all that He has promised to do.

Is there an area of your life that God is speaking to you about that needs to take a step of faith? If so, take some time and have an honest conversation with God about it and see what He wants you to do. As I sit here today, ONE YEAR LATER, I'm so humbled by the hand of God on my life.

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