Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Last night, in the rain, my daughter, Brooklyn, scored her 1st goal of the year. I was so proud and the smile on her face was priceless.

Let me give you some background: The last few years Brooklyn has led her team in scoring and has been one of the best players in her league. This year she stepped up to a new age division where she is now the youngest player on the team and in the league. It's has been an adjustment but we have encouraged her that by playing with kids who are better that will make you better.

It's working! She is improving so much.

I think the same philosophy works in life. Too often we compare ourselves to someone else to make ourselves feel better about out shortcomings.

Well I'm not as bad as he is or I'm much better than she is but that's not going to help us improve.

Paul said in I Cor. 11:1 "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ."

Paul challenged believers in his day to follow him as he followed the best example that ever lived - Jesus Christ.

Could you make a statement like that?
Follow the example of (insert your name here) as I follow the example of Jesus Christ.


ship131313 said...

great Andy! a little bit of encouragment can go far and echo through all her life as she matures into the young christain woman she will be someday.
way to go Brooklyn!!!

brent salyers said...

andy...thanks for taking time to read my's good to hear from you..look forward to talking with you sometime soon...