This is my wife's little toe!
She broke it yesterday (as if you coulnd't tell by the pic - you can't look away can you?)
She stubbed it into the corner of a wall and the wall won.
My beautiful wife (toe and all) is lying on the couch playing the 'it doesn't hurt that bad, I'll be fine' role. She can walk but painfully and with a limp.
It got me thinking about the 'lil toes' in our life. Your little toe makes up about 1% of your total body mass - I figured 1% b/c some of you have huge little toes - you know who you are!
Injuring 1% of your body can cause you to be unable to do the simplest of things like walking.
When it comes to our life what 'lil toe' issues do you have?
Maybe it's your thought life. That ONE thought keeps you from being all God has for you.
Maybe it's your mouth. Those STUPID things you say keep you from being taken seriously.
Maybe it's your wallet. The GOT TO HAVE items keep your from being free from debt.
Today's walkaway: 1% is a huge number when you think about it. I've heard it said that 99% obedience to God is 100% disobedience. I'd encourage you today to look at your life and check your little toe and see if there are any injuries that could cause your walk to be hindered.